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5 Simple Litha Ritual Ideas
Litha arrives at the Summer Solstice around June 20 or 21st when the days are warm and both green beings and creatures alike are thriving...

5 Simple Beltaine Ritual Ideas
Around here in Canada, Beltaine – which arrives on May 1 in the Northern Hemisphere is a bit like the visible beginning of Spring. ...

5 Simple Ostara Ritual Ideas
Spring and Ostara are right around the corner or at the very least that’s what I keep reminding myself seeing as right now, in all...

5 Simple Imbolc Ritual Ideas
Imbolc is just around the bend. With the arrival of Imbolc, January’s quiet will give way to a quiet buzz within the earth. In some...

5 Simple Samhain Ritual Ideas
Samhain brings an undeniable magick to the air. The veil between this world and the Otherworld thins, bringing the fae, ancestors and...

5 Simple Mabon Ritual Ideas
Harvest season is one of my favourite times of the year. From the endlessly delicious smells of apple pie and pumpkin to cool autumn...

5 Simple Lughnasadh Ritual Ideas
Lughnasadh is just around the corner, so I thought I’d share a fun post with some simple Lughnasadh ritual ideas. Lughnasadh is also...
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